I'm on hold with them right now. They delivered a package to us that belongs to a house on a street with a similar name. It's not close (right next to the reservation... We're close to Ridgewood).
I'm sure the people who expected this package today are not happy.
Of course hold times are ridiculous. If I can't reach someone I'll end up delivering it myself tomorrow. Probably with a note asking the actual recipients to call and yell at someone.
This happens with other delivery services too. If possible, I try to contact the intended recipient and arrange for them to pick up the package from me. Calling the carrier, if you can get through, just delays the delivery further. This is especially of concern when the package appears to contain perishables.
I tried finding the recipient's contact information online as well as in the phone book. No dice.
I found the seller's Amazon page and emailed them, thinking they could contact the buyer. No answer yet.
I partly want to reach Lasership to inform them of their mistake. If I just deliver the package myself I am denying them the valuable opportunity to enhance their ongoing commitment to excellence.
Take the package to the buyer. According to Lasership tracking the package has been delivered to them and that is what their records say.
Our nice new neighbor brought us a package that was dropped at the home 2 days ago instead of to us.
I did drop off the box. But I really want someone to know about this.
FedEx delivered our package to someone else and it sat out in the rain for at least two days a few weeks ago. Fedex had it as delivered. Called the place I ordered it from and they were about to send out when a woman in a white Prius dropped it off to our home, box damp contents OK since they were wrapped in plastic. Thank you to the woman. I raised holy hell with the shipper to let them know what FedEx did.
I'm fearful that Amazon with end their relationship with UPS and if it does, I'll cxl my Prime membership. My UPS guy is THE best.
So I'm revisiting this now that I'm sitting at my computer and can type a little more freely.
A big part of my frustration was my inability to reach anyone to complain about this. Why complain? When you run a company you need a feedback mechanism otherwise your product quality ultimately will decay. I may sound a little over-the-top, but in a situation like just happened (I got a package for someone else and drove a mile to deliver it to their house) I sent a message to the company: "Don't worry, I got this." The problem doesn't get corrected and a subtle message is sent that the occasional misdelivery is not a problem because people will pick up the company's slack.
If there's no mechanism for correction the problem can creep and it happens more and more often. People get fed up and finally complain and the problem gets fixed back to an inadequate level of service from a crappy level of service. Instead of getting corrected from inadequate to good service.
If I said "rant over" would you believe me?
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Ok, two of the same numbers were the same and the third was only one digit away from our number...but, geese I really wasn't happy driving over to complete the delivery. So, if you got your package today that was in a bright yellow plastic bag, you can thank lasership for mis-delivering it to a homeowner who took the time to bring it over to your house.
Rant over.