Just got phished by fake FedEx email

I can't believe I fell for it. I should have known from the sender. "We have just sent you a message." FedEx logo - looked real. I was wondering why FedEx was sending me an email - I wasn't expecting anything.

What now?

Depends on what happened and how you responded.

for starters..disconnect from the internet until you can fix it

fabulouswalls said:

Depends on what happened and how you responded.

Didn't respond. Message said "if you can't read this message click below." I clicked. Page opened to an article about Stephen Hawking, and closed it as soon as I realized what happened, which was a millisecond, but I did open it.

Ran Malwarebytes and nothing detected.

cramer said:

Ran Malwarebytes and nothing detected.

I'm assuming you also have an active anti-virus (malware) program running?

You should be OK. There is a very small chance that this is a sophisticated new attack that the virus databases and algorithms have not yet detected. But its very, very unlikely.

Yes, I do have Malwarebytes and an anti-virus program running. Thanks for the assurance.

Happy New Year to all! Beware of phony FedEx emails.

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