John McCain has brain cancer


Just, you know, take care of yourself and don't rush back to D.C. to cast any of those vote things. cheese

Take it easy - you've earned it.

He's fought through so much unimaginable hardships.

a great man, true definition of American hero. Hope he beats this.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It often takes the person fast. His is said to be a bad, aggressive kind, so he may not be very facile in a short time.

Having seen how devastating this diagnosis is at closer range than anyone would want to be, and having explored all manner of treatment options, all I can hope for him is a relatively peaceful time for him and his family with what they have left. 

There is some very interesting research on several fronts but none of them have shown to have a meaningful impact on the course of the disease thus far.

Cancer is a terrible thing, and this particular one is the worst of a bad bunch. Hope is so important, and it always exists in its measure. It is a small, cramped thing however with glioblastoma multiforme. I recall reading one study at the time that called it "the terminator" because it's path is so swift and sure. That certainly was my loved one's experience.

it probably explains his odd behavior/ confusion in the Comey hearing a few weeks ago.

The glioblastoma is nasty - the tumor has tendrils that just snake their way into the brain - impossible to remove all of it surgically with current techniques.

I wonder if chemo/radiation is the wisest course at his age. At best it will delay death by a bit, but I have to imagine it has nasty , nasty side-effects.

Tough decision. Don't know what I would do.

The poliovirus treatment at Duke that was on 60 Minutes (which overhyped it) has been granted breakthrough status when used in combination with chemo. It is not a cure but has shown significant extension of symptom-free life in some cases- significant here meaning a couple years, which is a huge improvement vs the current prognosis with treatment.

We do live in an age of amazing medical advancement, but it's still too slow for so many. Faster, please.

McCain is flying back to Washington to vote to deny coverage to others that he has. 

I thought he's running back to protect his seat. His former opponent has been circling like a vulture. She wants his seat since she couldn't win it outright. 

cramer said:

McCain is flying back to Washington to vote to deny coverage to others that he has. 

ElizMcCord said:

I thought he's running back to protect his seat. His former opponent has been circling like a vulture. She wants his seat since she couldn't win it outright. 
cramer said:

McCain is flying back to Washington to vote to deny coverage to others that he has. 

McCain's vote is necessary on the procedural vote that is necessary to open debate on the Republican's health bill. Without his vote, it would be dead. He has expressed reservations about the bill as drafted, and my comment was unfair. 

John McCain, our American hero, is perhaps my favorite Republican. I've been so sad about his diagnosis. It was my hope that he would be instrumental in changing the direction of the current GOP and it's odd leader, if one can call DJT a leader. When McCain was mocked by Trump I was disgusted that he wasn't delegitimized from that moment on.  I'm hoping for something out of an old Frank Capra film to occur. Maybe a scene where he whispers to Lindsey Graham, "Take him down."

cramer said:

McCain is flying back to Washington to vote to deny coverage to others that he has. 

I used to like McCain.  Before he ran for president he had a reputation as someone who would work with the other party to do good things.  When he ran he ran hard to the right in the primary and never came back.  Trump insulted him in ways that no one should ever be insulted, and rather than stand and loudly defend all former POWs he took it to get Republicans in power.  Power before ethics.  Like the others.  The good McCain left us years ago.

FilmCarp said:

I used to like McCain.  Before he ran for president he had a reputation as someone who would work with the other party to do good things.  When he ran he ran hard to the right in the primary and never came back.  Trump insulted him in ways that no one should ever be insulted, and rather than stand and loudly defend all former POWs he took it to get Republicans in power.  Power before ethics.  Like the others.  The good McCain left us years ago.

I agree with this. 

Morganna said:

John McCain, our American hero, is perhaps my favorite Republican

An oxymoron? 

I lost a lot of respect for McCain when he selected Palin to be his VP.  He sold his soul to the devil in hopes of winning the election against Obama.  And in doing so he elevated Palin to a level she never would have reached on her own and that helped energize the tea party.  

His health care is good enough to scurry back to DC to try to take health insurance away from millions.

mikescott said:

I lost a lot of respect for McCain when he selected Palin to be his VP.  He sold his soul to the devil in hopes of winning the election against Obama.  And in doing so he elevated Palin to a level she never would have reached on her own and that helped energize the tea party.  

When I wrote my post I had forgotten that he also inflicted Palin on us.  A solid step forward in dumbing down America.

FilmCarp said:

mikescott said:

I lost a lot of respect for McCain when he selected Palin to be his VP.  He sold his soul to the devil in hopes of winning the election against Obama.  And in doing so he elevated Palin to a level she never would have reached on her own and that helped energize the tea party.  

When I wrote my post I had forgotten that he also inflicted Palin on us.  A solid step forward in dumbing down America.

I have to imagine that in his heart of hearts, he regrets subjecting us to Palin. How could he not? 

mikescott said:

I lost a lot of respect for McCain when he selected Palin to be his VP.  He sold his soul to the devil in hopes of winning the election against Obama.  And in doing so he elevated Palin to a level she never would have reached on her own and that helped energize the tea party.  

As a 'member' of the Keating Five he was part of government that allowed the savings and loan debacleto happen, however I would have preferred him over George the second in the 1980 Republican primaries as he was sorry for his part in the S&L crisis (a pre-curser to sub-prime mortgage lending).

Tough crowd. OK can you give the man points for this moment in his campaign? I can't imagine it being said by the current bully in office.

Morganna said:

Tough crowd. OK can you give the man points for this moment in his campaign? I can't imagine it being said by the current bully in office.

I can't imagine McCain saying it now either. He'd be drummed out of the party, brain cancer or no brain cancer. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

Morganna said:

Tough crowd. OK can you give the man points for this moment in his campaign? I can't imagine it being said by the current bully in office.

I can't imagine McCain saying it now either. He'd be drummed out of the party, brain cancer or no brain cancer. 

OK, how about this clip. His speech and Fareed's response.

I wish McCain well.  He has the power to stop the Republicans from doing what I think he knows is wrong.  I hope he doesn't completely destroy his legacy as a politician.

yahooyahoo said:

I wish McCain well.  He has the power to stop the Republicans from doing what I think he knows is wrong.  I hope he doesn't completely destroy his legacy as a politician.

He's quite literally running out of time. 

Sadly at this point all he can do is look at what he has helped his party become.  It's no good end to a life mostly well led.

John McCain has become a tragic figure.

From the New York Times:  (updated 2:47pm today)

• The Senate is expected to hold a procedural vote on health care on Tuesday afternoon. If successful, that vote would allow debate to begin on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.

• Senator John McCain arrived at the Capitol, despite a diagnosis of brain cancer, to cast his vote on whether to begin debating legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

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