Jets win or Giants loss ...

Lonnnng list of missteps by both teams, with probably the most magnified ones by my G-Men, namely Coughlin's 4th down play call and Josh Brown's miss. HOWEVER, whatever the prelude, when it mattered most the Jets' final three possessions were 12-play scoring drive, 10-play scoring drive, 13-play scoring drive. If Eli authored such an ending, especially with a game-saving 4th down scramble, he would be lauded for his late game heroics. Hurts to admit, but Fitzmagic and the Jets deserve the same credit. They made the plays. MANY of them. Jets won more than Giants lost. IMHO.

I think Coughlin is done.  That's what 4 games lost due to poor game management in the 4th quarter? 

Hat's off to the Jets.  That was one heck of a comeback. 

how do you not take those 3 points?  

Jets definitely won the game by stats like total yardage and time of possession.  Had the score gone the other way, it would have been a Jet loss more than a Giant win.

I don't think the decision to pass up the field goal cost the game.  The Jets would likely have just gone for a TD on the 4th down when they kicked the field goal.

To me the killer was the down that I haven't heard anyone else complain about.  In the moment I was criticizing the decision to punt on 4th and 1 at their own 29.  In fairness, probably no NFL coach would make the call to go for it.  But going for it was the only smart move at that point in the game.  There was 2:57 left in the game.  A first down all but ices the outcome.  And what does a punt get you?  Forty yards of field position.  That's all.  Your defense has to stop the Jets whether you hand it to them at your own 30 or their 30.  And worst case scenarios are these:  with a short 30 yard field, the Jets score the tying TD.  But you have roughly 2 minutes left and probably still 2 timeouts to move into range for a winning FG.  OR -- you have the outcome that you got, which is the Jets score the tying TD, but leave too little time on the clock for the Giants to win in regulation.

Going for it there really should have been a no-brainer.  But in the NFL, even a no-brainer call isn't made because that's not how things have always been done.  And because the critics would crucify the coach even though he was making the smart and sensible call.

I think Coughlin may be getting a little long in the tooth for this job.

I don't recall a season where the coach has had so many game deciding mistakes.  Obviously, coaches make 100s of decisions every game, but TC's 4th quarter decisions this year have been remarkably one-sided, towards the bad.  Of course the blame also goes to the team.  If half of those games went the other way, e.g. Manning completes a pass for a TD, we're not having this conversation. 

I think it is Manning who is finished.  Can't make the big play (scramble or pass).  Best two receptions were made by best receiver in the game.  Manning's throws were off target all game.  

Jets are decent team who will beat teams that give them the opportunity.  Not taking the 3 points was a no-brainer and Coughlin blew that decision.

Talking heads on ESPN Radio pointed out that, on the 4th down play, the Giants were coming out of a time-out, yet Eli and the O seemed confused when they got to the line ... 

He can't make the big play because his RBs and WRs (other than Beckham) suck.  His O-Line ain;t exactly HOF material either.

The Jets have the league's best receiving tandem.  Fitzy's good but he ain't that good.

Even I've gotta admit, this is clever.

Train_of_Thought said:

Even I've gotta admit, this is clever.

OUCH!, but clever.

three way tie for first.  

Robert_Casotto said:

three way tie for first.  

So it's now a four-game season. With the whole enchilada up for grabs.

mrincredible said:
Robert_Casotto said:

three way tie for first.  

So it's now a four-game season. With the whole enchilada up for grabs.

I like enchiladas 

CapnMarko said:
mrincredible said:
Robert_Casotto said:

three way tie for first.  

So it's now a four-game season. With the whole enchilada up for grabs.

I like enchiladas 

If the NFC East were an enchilada, it would be the type that's gotten Chipotle on the news recently.

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