Is this really the best we can do

conandrob240 said:

for Puerto Rico?

You know the answer. But, you know, brown people ... they don't vote for president ... they aren't donors ...

It doesn't help that apparently half of Americans don't think PR is part of the US. 

it really shouldn't matter if it's part of the US. It's a crisis that we could do something about. It's only even more disturbing that the lack of action is against our own citizens.

It starts with attention. Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo were on the air from Florida all the time during and right after Irma with only the briefest breaks for other news. CNN covered all the other news and talked endlessly about everything, with only the briefest breaks to cover Puerto Rico during and after Maria.

The former Presidents, led by Obama are raising awareness and money for Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and other hard hit areas through 

I understand but we (their government) should be on the ground there helping stabilize the medical needs and feeding the hungry/thirsty US citizens at bare minimum. Why can't we figure out how to do that? It's been over a week (longer if you count the lead time for Maria)

ska said:

It starts with attention. Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo were on the air from Florida all the time during and right after Irma with only the briefest breaks for other news. CNN covered all the other news and talked endlessly about everything, with only the briefest breaks to cover Puerto Rico during and after Maria.

Agreed. Interestingly, CNN had a story on its website yesterday about the lack of coverage by the media. 

Trump has failed miserably. This is a humanitarian crisis and people are dying of thirst. It's 90 degrees and people have no drinking water (heard on the Brian Lehrer show this morning.) 

Trump so far has refused to lift the restrictions of the Jones Act, unlike he did in Texas and Florida. 

exactly. This can't wait for celebs to rally people to pay attention. The government needs to fix it and now. Then, we can rally for a second level of support and funding. Right now it's abou keeping people alive.

I doubt Trump can point out Puerto Rico on a map with it circled.

It would be ironic if Trump's total inaction in Puerto RIco caused many to re-locate to Florida, turning that state solidly blue.

well, yes, they have to stay alive first but maybe at some point that would be

dave said:

It would be ironic if Trump's total inaction in Puerto RIco caused many to re-locate to Florida, turning that state solidly blue.

I like how you think. 

Here's a list of agencies addressing the needs in Puerto Rico right now:

At times like this, I always wish there were some way of knowing who's doing the best job, but I suppose the best that can be done is to donate to an organization with a good rep and hope that they're being effective. 

If anyone wants to donate to aid Puerto Rican animals, St. Hubert's is taking in dogs from PR this week. 

ElizMcCord said:

It doesn't help that apparently half of Americans don't think PR is part of the US. 

There was a really incredible interaction on the radio this morning

Someone called in and complained the country is in chaos. Some other guy called in to say "ridiculous - there's no chaos here. Just look at what's happening in Puerto Rico - that's chaos." Pretty sure he managed to work 9/11 into the conversation too, but I kind of blacked out for a minute.

The host didn't correct him. 

conandrob240 said:

I understand but we (their government) should be on the ground there helping stabilize the medical needs and feeding the hungry/thirsty US citizens at bare minimum. Why can't we figure out how to do that? It's been over a week (longer if you count the lead time for Maria)

What do you mean by 'we'?  Stop for a moment and think about the we that currently runs the government and you will have your answer. 

Red_Barchetta said:

conandrob240 said:

I understand but we (their government) should be on the ground there helping stabilize the medical needs and feeding the hungry/thirsty US citizens at bare minimum. Why can't we figure out how to do that? It's been over a week (longer if you count the lead time for Maria)

What do you mean by 'we'?  Stop for a moment and think about the we that currently runs the government and you will have your answer. 

You must have heard, it's Puerto Rico's fault. I mean they are bankrupt, their infrastructure and engineering is crumbling and most importantly, lest we forget, they owe Wall Street and banks billions of dollars which sadly must be dealt with. Aside from that, their main need is food, water and medical supplies and doing well, hashtag FEMA. I mean the nerve of Puerto Rico!

It's as if we're talking about an island next to Nauru.  My boss hasn't heard from her parents since the storm hit. The situation is desperate and the lack of coverage by news media is making it worse.  

ElizMcCord said:

dave said:

It would be ironic if Trump's total inaction in Puerto RIco caused many to re-locate to Florida, turning that state solidly blue.

I like how you think. 

That possibility might be the one thing to light a fire under Trump!

Given the distruction of the economy, I would expect a fairly large migration to the mainland, at least temporarily. 

I would be happy to donate to the voter registration drive (after donations to disaster relief and rebuilding for those who stay, of course)

"We" are better than "he".

Red_Barchetta said:

conandrob240 said:

I understand but we (their government) should be on the ground there helping stabilize the medical needs and feeding the hungry/thirsty US citizens at bare minimum. Why can't we figure out how to do that? It's been over a week (longer if you count the lead time for Maria)

What do you mean by 'we'?  Stop for a moment and think about the we that currently runs the government and you will have your answer. 

As someone who is married to a native Puerto Rican I can tell you first hand that it is shocking how many educated people do not realize Puerto Ricans are US Citizens.

Absolutely not. The US govt response is lacking in many ways.  

conandrob240 said:

for Puerto Rico?

United for Puerto Rico is an initiative brought forth by the First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló in collaboration with the private sector, with the purpose of providing aid and support to those affected in Puerto Rico by the passage of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María.

Article with lots of info about what's going on over there:

It might draw more attention to this thread, Conandrob240, if you added "Puerto Rico" to your subject line. 

ElizMcCord said:

dave said:

It would be ironic if Trump's total inaction in Puerto RIco caused many to re-locate to Florida, turning that state solidly blue.

I like how you think. 

But they can't vote. So....

Hahaha said:

ElizMcCord said:

dave said:

It would be ironic if Trump's total inaction in Puerto RIco caused many to re-locate to Florida, turning that state solidly blue.

I like how you think. 

But they can't vote. So....

Can't a Puerto Rican become a Florida resident by establishing residency? I'm not sure of the procedure.

ElizMcCord said:

Can't a Puerto Rican become a Florida resident by establishing residency? I'm not sure of the procedure.

Sure, but then they'd have to live in Florida.

But first they would have to get to Florida.

ridski said:

ElizMcCord said:

Can't a Puerto Rican become a Florida resident by establishing residency? I'm not sure of the procedure.

Sure, but then they'd have to live in Florida.

I suspect that significant numbers of Puerto Ricans will come to the US either permanently or for long enough to consider voter registration (just as college students can register at school instead of at home if they choose).  The destruction of jobs, schools and homes are likely to exacerbate the migration that has seen 10 percent of the population move to the mainland US in the last decade or so. The central Florida towns with large Puerto Rican communities are gearing up for an influx.  Cruise ships and planes are going down full of supplies and coming back full of evacuees, with tens of thousands on waiting lists.

I wonder if Puerto Rico will be Trump's Katrina.  Even if it was, will it matter to the masses?

it's already worse than Katrina, isn't it? No one seems to care what this man does. He just keeps being allowed to keep on going.

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