IRELAND: Gay Marriage Is Winning

Counting is not over, but opponents of gay marriage are conceding defeat.

This come in conjunction with substantial decline in R.C. church attendance and church scandals.

As of 3:30 p.m., G.M.T. (That means Ireland)

Yes: 176,769

No: 112,072

From the Irish Times..Whoo Hoo!!!

However, not everyone agrees.

The tally in the village of Inishbiggle:

Yes: 2

No: 10

This is so wonderful, and amazing to me. From a country that for so long was completely under the sway of the Catholic Church, this comes as a huge surprise.

Ireland is also the first country ((or state) to vote in favor of marriage equality. Everywhere else it has either been done by the courts or the legislature. In some ways this may be the most impressive part of the whole thing.

So very impressed that Ireland could do this. Wish our ridiculous government would grow up and recognise the hypocrisy not only within its own ranks and in Parliament, but the Cabinet's own families.

Congratulations, Ireland!

Approval by a vote of 2 to 1 (as reported on network news last evening) is very impressive. This was not a close vote.

Bravo Ireland!!! What a beautiful thingcheese Stay positive

Check out these celebration pictures. The Irish are the most jubilantly happy people in the world today. Wish I could say the same for America. It's routinely an uphill slog for that pursuit of happiness thing.

"It's routinely an uphill slog for that pursuit of happiness thing."

Yeah, what the hell is up with that?

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