Jackson_Fusion said:
I was going to say that maybe something got wedged between the rocker and the case but screwing around with mine...it doesn't really rock, ie, it isn't on a pivot. Its almost like 2 buttons that are connected- pushing lower volume doesn't push the other side of the rocker up. In fact I can push both up and down at the same time.
Either something got under it or there is a piece wedged to the side.
I guess I should have started by asking does it feel like it is pushed down and stuck down, or will it move a little bit?
bobk said:
One should never have food around computers and related equiptment. Do I obey this? Nope, which is why I end up buying a new keyboard every year or so. LOL
metaphysician said:
bobk said:
One should never have food around computers and related equiptment. Do I obey this? Nope, which is why I end up buying a new keyboard every year or so. LOL
I eat and drink at my keyboard, which was purchased circa 1991. They just don't make 'em like they used to. :-D
GL2, it's probably time to make a trip to the Apple Store.
GL2 said:
May I be the first to laugh at myself for calling that little rocker thing a "rocker arm?"
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