They buy escalators that are built better and don't break down as often?
Enough with the free rides! I hate it when people stand two-abreast on escalators and don't walk up. Just because they are moving steps does not mean they are not steps! This is what is wrong with America. All praise to Penn Station for keeping us moving our legs.
And I also appreciate the wild scrum dashing for trains that are ten minutes late, especially when they announce the train boarding and simultaneously call All Aboard! And even moreso when the track is 7 or 8 where there is only one stair down on the NJ Transit terminal side. Oh, and let me not forget to add that it is even more fun when they also announce a Northeast Corridor train on the same set of stairs. This helps keep our competitive skills keen and sharp, which is a great benefit to America as well.
mfpark said:
Enough with the free rides! I hate it when people stand two-abreast on escalators and don't walk up. Just because they are moving steps does not mean they are not steps! This is what is wrong with America. All praise to Penn Station for keeping us moving our legs.
mumstheword said:
mfpark said:
Enough with the free rides! I hate it when people stand two-abreast on escalators and don't walk up. Just because they are moving steps does not mean they are not steps! This is what is wrong with America. All praise to Penn Station for keeping us moving our legs.
It's all so painfully simple. If you wish to walk up the stairs, there are staircases -- right next to the moving escalators. If you don't want to walk up stairs -- or, more importantly, if you CAN'T walk up stairs -- there's the moving escalator. People make things much more difficult than need be.
In DC it was known that you 'Stand right, walk left' (I think there were some signs and advertising). So, it was a known way to do it, and only occasionally you'd get the two-abreast tourists (and people would say 'excuse me', and then the left lane would be clear for walkers again).
I am preparing a new thread about men who run frantically to track numbers the instant they are announced. What are these guys afraid of? They look hysterical and deranged.
ligeti said:
I am preparing a new thread about men who run frantically to track numbers the instant they are announced. What are these guys afraid of? They look hysterical and deranged.
Getting the train doors slammed on them because sometimes you can't get to the track 7 train before it leaves with the one staircase... and they gotta pick up the kids from daycare/aftercare?
sprout said:
ligeti said:
I am preparing a new thread about men who run frantically to track numbers the instant they are announced. What are these guys afraid of? They look hysterical and deranged.
Getting the train doors slammed on them because sometimes you can't get to the track 7 train before it leaves with the one staircase... and they gotta pick up the kids from daycare/aftercare?
Getting a seat so they can continue working from the train after leaving the office to pick up the kids?
No, no, you miss my point. I am fine with disabled people getting a free ride. It is all the able bodied folks who are just standing there and subtly undermining what made America great! We are getting soft, people!
As for the mad men dashing like Macy's Bargain Basement hordes chasing wedding dresses, well, they are actually carrying into their commute the aggressive single-minded focus on winning that should motivate their work days.
(Folks, I am joking here).
mumstheword said:
mfpark said:
Enough with the free rides! I hate it when people stand two-abreast on escalators and don't walk up. Just because they are moving steps does not mean they are not steps! This is what is wrong with America. All praise to Penn Station for keeping us moving our legs.
It's all so painfully simple. If you wish to walk up the stairs, there are staircases -- right next to the moving escalators. If you don't want to walk up stairs -- or, more importantly, if you CAN'T walk up stairs -- there's the moving escalator. People make things much more difficult than need be.
Really, we have to agree to disagree. If wanting to ride two abreast on a moving escalator is undermining what makes America great, we're in a whole heap of trouble! Why do you think escalators were invented? (So that people didn't have to walk up the stairs if they didn't want to.) There's nobody preventing you from walking up/down the stationary stairs so stay away from the moving escalators! (I miss the emoticons)
mfpark said:
No, no, you miss my point. I am fine with disabled people getting a free ride. It is all the able bodied folks who are just standing there and subtly undermining what made America great! We are getting soft, people!
As for the mad men dashing like Macy's Bargain Basement hordes chasing wedding dresses, well, they are actually carrying into their commute the aggressive single-minded focus on winning that should motivate their work days.
(Folks, I am joking here).
mumstheword said:
mfpark said:
Enough with the free rides! I hate it when people stand two-abreast on escalators and don't walk up. Just because they are moving steps does not mean they are not steps! This is what is wrong with America. All praise to Penn Station for keeping us moving our legs.
It's all so painfully simple. If you wish to walk up the stairs, there are staircases -- right next to the moving escalators. If you don't want to walk up stairs -- or, more importantly, if you CAN'T walk up stairs -- there's the moving escalator. People make things much more difficult than need be.
Hello...if you walk to the other end of Penn Sta, there are working escalators there.
That we can't professionally repair an escalator, quite possibly the busiest escalator at a transit facility in the WORLD, is shocking.
What must Europeans think when they see it? That they're visiting a third world country? I'll bet they tell others about it when they return home.
The handicapped and infirm are supposed to wander around Penn looking for a working escalator or elevator?
More people go through Penn each day than our three airports COMBINED. And we can't pull together the resources to fix a silly escalator.
It's an affront. It's un-American that our standards have fallen so low.
What if I told Donald Trump about the situation?
There's almost never a good reason to stand two abreast on an escalator. What's wrong with stand right and walk left? Everyone wins that way.
Re running for the trains in Penn Station, why can't they post the tracks earlier like in Hoboken? It is SO much more civilized there.
I've seen them come close to mowing down old ladies and children.
But to get a window seat -- now I understand. Nothing should stand in your way of getting that window seat. That's super-super-important.
I have heard of elderly and disabled persons being injured as a result. And I know of plenty of elderly and disabled persons who won't go near the place for that reason. That's just wrong.
ligeti said:
I've seen them come close to mowing down old ladies and children.
But to get a window seat -- now I understand. Nothing should stand in your way of getting that window seat. That's super-super-important.
Window seat?
The trains work better in Romania, a much poorer country. Don't understand
"Europeans" (are they all the same?) come here for the slumming. Then they realize their suburbs and exurbs are slums, and if our overblown egos are lucky they recognize that they've just developed differently, but not THAT differently.
I'd like to comment here but figure I'd better ask first, is Irony Impairment a prerequisite for posting about posts about escalator etiquette? Do you have to pass a Satire Sequestration Assessment to qualify?
JCSO said:
I'd like to comment here but figure I'd better ask first, is Irony Impairment a prerequisite for posting about posts about escalator etiquette? Do you have to pass a Satire Sequestration Assessment to qualify?
This was up for a vote but then the South Orange election came up, and... you know...
Regarding stairs 7 and 8 for NJT... If you're waiting for your train in the east side NJT waiting area, you're doing it wrong. That is all.
They even removed the benches from there so that they can cram more people in.
I was hoping they were clearing the area out for demolition.
marcsiry said:
Regarding stairs 7 and 8 for NJT... If you're waiting for your train in the east side NJT waiting area, you're doing it wrong. That is all.
I have no idea why anyone would wait over there. But I'm glad they do. More room for us mildly saner people on the west side.
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