Horribly Out of Context Quotes from MOLers

ctrzaska said:

LOL. I agree. I'd blow the whole block if I could. It's oddly therapeutic.

https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">) https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

How can you be so sure that it's out of context https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/21.gif" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

pol100gk said:

S***. I really wanted that stuff gone and now I have to haul a soggy load back inside.

This thread shall outlive all of us

ridski said:

pol100gk said:

S***. I really wanted that stuff gone and now I have to haul a soggy load back inside.

Woohoooooo! >https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/4.gif" width="" height="" alt="smile" style="border:0;"><

LW said:

I saw the jugs at BJs about two weeks ago.

Sorry. I'm going to special hell, I know.

The statists and leftists here have taken things I have wrote and quoted them out of context so frequently that I fail to see even a bit of humor in this thread.

ram said:

I fail to see even a bit of humor

ram said:

have taken things
[t]he statists and leftists here have
wrote and quoted them out of context so frequently[.]

Nice @ridski. :-D

ram said:

Eventually some ball boy will say that he did it on his own and that he told no one.

https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

ram said:

What the bottom has is not related to what the top has.

MOL_Rat said:

ctrzaska said:

LOL. I agree. I'd blow the whole block if I could. It's oddly therapeutic.

I'll admit, this one will be hard to top.

ctrzaska said:

I'll admit, this one will be hard to top.

Oh, I don't know...

ctrzaska said:

FWIW, I thought about "knickers in a twist" but I just like the word "wad" better.

Fcukin' A... may have to start rummaging through my past moreso than I'd initially thought.

GGartrell said:

I've seen some colossal mounds around town that are gonna take a lot of heat and rain to get rid of.

This is my favorite thread.

Esquire magazine has something like this. They call it context-free sentence from a letter (to the editor) we're not publishing, or something.

hankzona said:

I know, I was awake to watch it.

gonets said:

His car wasn't a junker, and nobody needs a donut.

Keep 'em coming.

mjh said:

Dead ducks don't need to be found in less than 30 minutes.

mfpark said:

“What do you mean, ‘too many Bushes,’?

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