Home exercise program/moms, check your abs!!!

I don't have the time or money to join a gym, it's gotten too cold for walks with the baby, but I still look about 3 months pregnant (though I've lost about 50 of the 60 pounds I gained during this pregnancy!).

I have a friend who's been going on and on about p90x and the other Beachbody programs (she's a Beachbody coach) and she said I should try the 21 Day Fix. I'm having the hardest time finding unbiased opinions on it. I like the idea of it (30 minute workouts, that's all I've got time for after the kids are in bed!) but I'm wondering if anyone has done other home fitness programs (DVDs etc) that you've had success with? I'm tempted to try the 21 Day Fix through her but it's an awful lot of money and I know a lot of it goes to levels and levels of commission....

Thanks for any suggestions!

I've done P90x, which is excellent. I've tried insanity but haven't done the whole program, but it seems good. For both i bought used DVDs for about $50. Good luck!

P90x is excellent. I used it during marathon training. Good stuff! I highly recommend!

I'm afraid of p90x. I am in no way a person who does marathons or things called "insanity." But I'm glad to hear that the general program is good!!

She's also saying I should get the Shakeology to go with it. Have either of you used that? That really bumps the price up, and it's also what she'd get commission on each month. I hate being so skeptical, but.....

afa said:

I'm afraid of p90x. I am in no way a person who does marathons or things called "insanity." But I'm glad to hear that the general program is good!!

Haha, don't be afraid! It's for all levels!! Seriously! It's exactly what you need.

My husband has been doing t25 which is shorter program by the same guy.

If you like it and do it everyday (or 5 days a week) it works. Guys are different so my husband's experience most likely won't be comparable to yours, but he enjoys it, is stronger and has lost a few lbs (which wasn't even the goal but is a nice benefit.)

I guess everyone is different...but since my kids were babies and I joined a gym with childcare, I found a gym to be a very worthwhile expense. Not just for my physical and mental health, but as a mostly stay at home mommy it was a great opportunity for my baby to be under someone else's care for a little while. Sometimes I would go everyday just for 20 minutes to get my very clingy infant to allow someone else to hold her.

30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels are 30 minute videos. All you need are hand weights and a work-out mat.

Have you been checked for diastasis recti? Not sure of the spelling but it's when your abs remain separated after pregnancy and you still look pregnant. No amount of crunches will fix it (in fact, they will make it worse). You can go to PT for it. There's a woman in Summit who does it (Jill...) or you can use an online program. I have her name (and she'll give me some sort of referral something) if you mention I sent you. Let me know if you want her info.

I have to agree with others here about P90X. Great program. Good workouts - and you do what you can and as you get stronger you do more. I also have T25 by the same guy that did insanity - there one person doing modified moves. I don't like it as much as P90X - but if you need something to get you moving for 30 minutes a day - it works. I'm happy to give you T25 for a while. PM me.

@afa, I'm a personal trainer and I strongly second the recommendation to get your diastasis recti checked before doing abdominal exercises. You want to start from the inside out when training abdominals post-pregnancy (which means starting with things like abdominal "bracing", pelvic tilts, pulling the belly button in toward the spine while exhaling, and planking.) If you do need PT, they'll guide you. As for overall at-home programs, the Jillian Michaels ones are very good, and you can probably get them second-hand for pretty cheap.

afa said:

I I'm tempted to try the 21 Day Fix through her but it's an awful lot of money and I know a lot of it goes to levels and levels of commission....

There are days when my FB feed looks like nothing but ads for cleanses and workouts because so many people have gotten involved in one or another of these schemes. That's not to say they don't work, but I also am suspicious about the commissions, levels, etc. They are way too expensive for what they are. A DVD and some multicolored tupperware containers?

Really love p90x. I just did the strength workouts (2-3x a week) in between workouts at gym. After a while i stopped doing the dvds and just did exercises on my own.

In my opinion you need to add more cardio on your own for weightloss.

shh, I know! My older kid has just gotten to the point where I think she'd be ok with a gym childcare, and I keep telling myself I'm not going to make the same mistake with the baby...but she's already a clingbot. Ugh. I just feel that with the baby's unpredictable naps and the preschooler's schedule, I'd never actually make it to the gym. Someday.....!

@appletree, is that something a regular physician could diagnose? I'm finally going to get a physical next week so I could ask to get that checked out if so... annemarie, I'll let you know if I need your person's name.

Maybe I'll check out the Jillian Michaels first. I want to get into a routine where I'm doing something every night and know I can dedicate the time before I spend the money. But then I'll probably spend some money, because apparently p90x is very effective and not at all scary?? I agree, mountainside, that I'm sure the products work but it feels icky to have people I know trying to sell me stuff all the time. It just makes me suspicious and uncomfortable...I'd like to think they have MY best interest in mind, but I know they're also trying to earn a commission.

Agree with 30 Day Shred. Jillian will kick your behind! I have the DVD if you want to borrow.

Afa I rep for a nutritional cleansing system that takes lbs off and my friends who have joined me are thrilled with the results. I am sure none of them feel I am trying to sell them something to make money off them but rather are really happy i have shared with them something that works for them as it has worked for me.

So not to be gross but I just looked at this website http://fit2b.us/how-to-check-for-diastasis-hd/ and did the self-check for diastasis, and whooooooo yes I have it. I tried to make my husband feel how much my abs had separated and he refused. It feels very, very weird. So I guess I shouldn't really do any traditional ab work until I work on this properly, right?

@annemarie, send me that lady's info!

If you need cardio, maybe putting your bike (if you have one) on rollers would work. I can read while I do my 20 minutes in the a.m. (or more, but 20 mins is the minimum) and then I'm not a grouchy person for the rest of the day. It's something, and you could even do it in view of the little one/s if they're watching tv and can stay away from you for that long.

@afa Jill from Body Align PT. She sees people in both NYC and Summit and she does the Tupler Technique http://www.bodyalignpt.com/the-body-align-mission/our-team/

My friend used reCore, which is the same concept.

Basically you have to do small movements internally to fix the issue. You don't have to see anyone (you can just learn the movements, wear a splint and do the exercises) but I found it helpful to see Jill. But I'm a lazy-ass and never properly fixed mine so I have to start over.

Awesome, thanks, annemarie! I'll look into all of this. I'm so glad you brought this up. Luckily I haven't done a single crunch since well before I was pregnant with J, so at least I didn't do any damage. Hah!

WOW this is eye opening. I have been trying, not not avail, to regain my former pre-baby shape, and for some reason this area just did not look right. I guess now I know why! UGH! Why don't we learn about these things sooner!!??? Thank you ladies for the heads up!

I kind of feel the same way and mine is almost 13 years, but very mild. A friend of mine at the gym has it and showed me today...and whoa...it's like a lobster's shell cracked in half.

mountainside1 said:

There are days when my FB feed looks like nothing but ads for cleanses and workouts because so many people have gotten involved in one or another of these schemes.

Thread drift - I have to plug the Social Fixer utility (http://www.socialfixer.com/) to help reduce ads, as well as provide other "fixes" to your view of Facebook. It works with most browsers (but not IE) and it has really helped tame the ads on my Facebook. Not to say that there are no ads, but there are a lot fewer, especially in the newsfeed, since I installed it.

At my 6 week check up with my first child I remember my doctor asked me to sit up from laying down with her hand on my abdomen. She said " good news, your muscles haven't separated." I had a new doctor here for my next two kids who also checked me the same way. I separated after my third. There are exercises called Sahrmann Exercises. I don't know how to post links, but on you tube if you type in Fitness Excercises: Exercises for Separated Transverse Abdomial there are easy tutorials for things you can do daily at home. Just 10 minutes a day is all you need. Good luck!

Neither of my OB's checked for it. I had no idea this was a thing. I finally got my husband to feel it and he was like, "It's....it's like a mouth." The lobster analogy is nice, too. So fun. I feel like I need to tell all my mom friends about this now. Thanks for the info, petal, I hope I can get into a routine with this. I've always been a very narrow person and have been lucky enough to always feel pretty good about how I looked in my clothes, but this belly is throwing me for a loop. Hopefully I can work on this and be ready for the beach by the summer. But no two-pieces. I don't think my belly button will ever recover.

@sac, does that work for "ads" that friends put up as status updates? That's what I get a ton of. I have some FB friends who basically only update in order to sell a product, which feels icky....

OMG. I was just about to give away mountains of lovely clothes because they no longer fit.
It has been 14 years since I had a baby but I have a HUGE gap. I Googled other images and almost cried when I saw a picture of the exact "thing" my tummy does when I lift my head up off of the pillow.

Is this really something that can be fixed without surgery?! @annemarie, I would also like the name of your contact in Summit. I just did some reading and it sounds like wearing a abdominal "binder" helps heal it as well...

A good friend of mine separated much worse than I did and she got her abs closed up to about one finger width now two years later. She wears a bikini and you can not tell. She also told me to wear a binder. After research I ordered the Squeem. Man does that thing suck you in! I can only wear it for a couple of hours each day, that's how intense it is. My personal challenge is my extreme hatred of cardio. I enjoy other forms of working out but to burn these last 15 pounds I need to be sweating at least 5 days a week. Fingers and toes crossed CycleMaplewood brings on childcare in a few months!!!

afa said:

@sac, does that work for "ads" that friends put up as status updates? That's what I get a ton of. I have some FB friends who basically only update in order to sell a product, which feels icky....
I kinda doubt it, but some of those that appear to come from the friend are actually generated by the commercial app or account and it might work for those.

Or ... try clicking the little down arrow that you will see if you hover the mouse cursor over the upper right corner of the post. There are some "I don't want to see this" options that may help you tame it a bit. (I know that I often see posts from games that appear to be from friends, but the options will include one to hide all posts for that game.)

Good luck.

afa said:

@sac, does that work for "ads" that friends put up as status updates? That's what I get a ton of. I have some FB friends who basically only update in order to sell a product, which feels icky....

Yes, I have some old friends who I would hate to block, because I really do enjoy seeing the 10% of postings that are photos or updates on family and kids. The other 90% are product endorsements and reasons why, you too, should rep for this company and become independently wealthy like me.

There just seems to be a conflict of interest. I have a friend who did a cleanse and posted about how it changed her life and we should email her if you want to try it. I did, not realizing that she was a salesperson. I honestly thought she meant she was going to loan her friends her book and instructions, not get a commission for signing us all up. I am so naive!

Is this the lady in Summit?
I just stumbled across her name and it all seems to fall in place. https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">

Jill Hoefs completed her Master's degree in Physical Therapy in 2001 at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Since she is a New Jersey native, her roots brought her back to the east coast. Jill moved to Manhattan where she started her career at an orthopedics and sports medicine facility. After five years of practicing physical therapy with a focus in orthopedics, Jill decided to study women's health. She took courses around the country and became an expert in treating prenatal and postpartum conditions, pelvic pain, incontinence, and surgical complications. In 2009, Jill founded her own practice in the Union Square area of New York City called Body Align Physical Therapy. As Jill continued to study and research solutions for women, she discovered the Tupler Technique®. Learning and teaching this technique was a perfect addition to her practice for treating patients suffering from diastasis recti. Jill can speak first hand to the success of the Tupler Technique® after being a patient herself. During her second trimester, Jill religiously followed the protocol. The end results were great she never had back pain, experienced only a minor diastasis, and her abdominal muscles recovered quickly. She also learned the correct pushing techniques and had an easy delivery. Her positive experience has made her an advocate for the Tupler Technique® and has inspired her to help other women.

I've been diagnosed with diastasis recti and an umbilical hernia and now it's 5 years later and I've still never done anything about it. Does anyone know if insurance would typically cover PT? I've never done it before but this thread is reminding me that I've been meaning to check out the Tupler Technique forever.

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