
my laptop has been idle more often than not for the past six + months due to circumstances which some of you are aware.

This weekend my printer ink cartridges needed replacement and after that was done, the printer sent out pages with spotty content.

I think I fixed that issue. 

I started up my laptop to check my email, thinking that box would be stuffed!

To my surprise, I find xfinity will not give me access to the mail as I am no longer supported and wanted me to download google chrome,

Google chrome no longer supports my laptop!

If I unplug the laptop, will my iPhone and iPad work? 

Might appear to be a stupid question, but I fixed that earlier printer problem by discovering the laptop wasn’t on the correct WiFi network! So a connection exists between devices.


Your iPhone and iPad are functionally independent of your laptop. Meaning yes, they will continue to function if you unplug your laptop. You can throw your laptop away in the next garbage pickup and it will have zero effect on your iPhone and iPad.

mtierney said:
my laptop has been idle more often than not for the past six + months due to circumstances which some of you are aware.
This weekend my printer ink cartridges needed replacement and after that was done, the printer sent out pages with spotty content.
I think I fixed that issue. 
I started up my laptop to check my email, thinking that box would be stuffed!

To my surprise, I find xfinity will not give me access to the mail as I am no longer supported and wanted me to download google chrome,
Google chrome no longer supports my laptop!

If I unplug the laptop, will my iPhone and iPad work? 

Might appear to be a stupid question, but I fixed that earlier printer problem by discovering the laptop wasn’t on the correct WiFi network! So a connection exists between devices.

 Your email is cloud-based. That means is doesn't exist on your computer unless you download it there to read it. If you were using a browser like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox to access xfinity to get to your email, it's possible that xfinity has changed their site so that earlier versions of that browser are no longer supported. This is not your fault, this is xfinity's, they should still support versions that worked fine 9 months ago, and they definitely should not be forcing you to download a specific browser just to read your email.

As far a "google chrome no longer supports my laptop" I have never heard of this happening. There is a possibility the laptop needs its operating system upgraded to run the latest version of chrome, but I'm pretty sure you should be able to download a version of chrome which works with your operating system, no matter how old it is.

IIRC, you have a macbook, is that right?

I attempted to download Google Chrome, suggested on the xfinity page along with 3 others. The GC apt states it is availabile for iPhone and iPad only. Operating systems under 11.1 are toast. Yet my laptop offers no chance to upgrade.

Call Xfinity for justice? It’s seldom worked in the past! Thanks to guys for answers.

What browser are you using to get to the GC page? https://www.google.com/chrome/

I thought I was ok, until... I disconnected the laptop. I have always 2.4 with Comcast on all my devices since day one. Am I reading this right, I should switch to 5?

When I print stuff out, color appears, but copy is blank! 

This is not a laptop. This is an ipad.

ETA: Apple just released a new iphone and new ios (12). This is the page asking you to upgrade your ipad to ios 12.

I know. I disconnected the laptop. This software update popped up on the iPad and I noted the suggestion to change WiFi. Both laptop and phone need the same WiFi setting? Why the printer responds to print, but the copy doesn’t print out is the question.

Incidentally, the comment re changing the key position is a good idea! I kept tapping the wrong one and thought it was my bad.

I have a PC that I bought in 2006 running Windows XP.  I occasionally boot it up to play legacy games and Chrome still works fine (more or less).

mtierney said:
I know. I disconnected the laptop. This software update popped up on the iPad and I noted the suggestion to change WiFi. Both laptop and phone need the same WiFi setting? Why the printer responds to print, but the copy doesn’t print out is the question.
Incidentally, the comment re changing the key position is a good idea! I kept tapping the wrong one and thought it was my bad.

 That’s not a suggestion. The update resolves a problem which you are not experiencing, unless you have an iphone XS.

Day 2: Mac Pro is unplugged and in a closet. It appears that the documents I couldnot print out on my iPad was because I use the Safari browser. Back to getting GoogleChrome up and running! Does this seem like a solution?

Please will someone explain in Luddite language how I can install GoogleChrome as my browser on my iPad  —without destroying all the stuff on Safari. I have documents to fill in and return to a company that does not recognize Safari which is why when I printed out the documents, the “copy” did not print out — the company logo, etc printed.

I had originally tried to download GC on Mac pro, but the operating system was too old.

You should be able to have as many browsers as you want on your device (laptop or ipad or phone).  They don't destroy each other or your data.  I can't help you with instructions on anything on a Mac, though, since my computers are Windows based.

on your iPad:

Open the “App Store” app (blue background with an “A” on it)

Select the magnifying glass for search

In the search entry type “google chrome”

Select “Get” next to the Google Chrome app in the list

If you see “Open” next to the app (instead of “Get”) it means you already have the app

You may have to enter your iTunes password (or finger print if touch screen is enabled) and it should start downloading

Once it is downloaded you should see it on your home page

Your iPad has an email app, called Mail. I'm not sure why you want to use a browser like Safari or Chrome for email? It's pretty easy to set up Mail, typically, all you need is your email address and password, and the App does everything for you. Have you ever used the Mail app?

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