Has anyone seen blooming cut forsythia?

Was hoping to have some in my yard by now but the blooms are behind schedule.
If you've seen blooming or near blooming forsythia in your travels, please let me know where. TIA

Do you want to do "cuttings", I have lots of bushes. PM me if you want to "start" your own. Wolfy.

They are REALLY late this year!

Thanks @locowolfy - I have some in my yard but no action yet!https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">

Have you tried forcing some branches indoors, in sunlight?

Thought of that, @jr but I don't think I have time - need for Friday. Not a huge deal, but for some photos - would have been nicehttps://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;"> thanks!

I'm thinking that I saw some in Shoprite last week.

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