Happy Birthday Greta!

I don't know if Justice is blind, but your Mommy must be cuz she loves you even though you are not perfect.
hugs and kisses! enjoy the fireworks in your honor!

Ah, but Greta IS perfect, and I'm an entirely impartial judge. She is one wonderful kitty, and you would never know she was blind if she wasn't just the tiniest bit skittish. She's a gorgeous girl, and packed with personality and all the things that make some cats so great.

Not everyone would have gone to the trouble, anguish, and expense of healing her the way Hauscat did, and for that, kudos. :whorship:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRETA! :flowers::rainbow::flowers:

What a darling...
My goodness, Happy Birthday Greta!
And big hugs and kisses to Hauscat for sharing her love.

She's actually a very grown-up girl now, and a pretty big cat. Of course, she lives for treats, which explains some of her extra girth. :rolling: But she still has those beautiful markings and colors.

Happy Birthday GRET-GRET! She was the kitten with true grit!

Congratulations to Hauscat for making Greta into the wonderful cat she has become ,
when others would have given up on her.


She let me pet her and give her a treat at my last visit.

How great that you guys posted!!! I might start a blog about her...she is incredible!

Ooo, a blog would be excellent. I like keeping tabs on the Adventures of Gret-Gret. :flowers::clap:

I would love to read that!.
And her doppelganger, Sarabeth, sends her best

CQ: What a great lead-in, btw....for those of you who don't know, Greta's original name was Justice...

Taking a walk down memory lane...look at Greta now! She is a super cat! 

https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/8.gif" width="" height="" alt="rolleyes" style="border:0;">

We love you, Gret-Gret!

Gret Gret is the coolest cat!! She don't need no stinkin' eyes!!!  Love me some Mama Gret!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, how time flies! Seems like yesterday I was chasing her thru a yard and watched her bump into the wall and thought "that's odd!" Thank you so much for giving her a long happy life, @hauscat ! I think I had two or three kittens from that litter and I caught them on the 4th of July so they had names like "Liberty" and "Justice" (after dozens of kittens, the naming gets a little silly https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/21.gif" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;"> )

in case it's not obvious, holbird knows Greta very well.

Thanks, guys!

I love how her "stitched-up" eyes make her look just a little self-satisfied. : - )

And I see that Snowy has extra toe-eys, no-ey? Every cat is special in their own way.

You are correct, Jasper. Snowy is a polydactyl...pulled her out of a high-kill Philly shelter last Sept., hours before she was scheduled for euthanasia. She's quite a character!

what cuties! Pandora hopes Greta has a Purrfect day https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/21.gif" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;"> Sorry - just couldn't resist!

Hard not to love them all, hauscat. They sure knew who to be rescued by.

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