Google Loves April Fools - This years April Fools

And introducing Google Panda:

I'm surprised marksierra didn't comment on the Aussie one...

Can't get the damn pacman game to show up on my iPhone... trying desperately to lose productivity here, and failing. Not happy.

Pac man is only on desktop

joanne said:

I'm surprised marksierra didn't comment on the Aussie one...
I didn't see the Aussie one." width="" height="" alt="LOL" style="border:0;">

scottgreenstone said:

And here is another one:

This one doesn't load anything but google's home page for me.

PeggyC said:

scottgreenstone said:

And here is another one:

This one doesn't load anything but google's home page for me.

Yesterday it loaded the screen reversed. All text was reversed, including what you type as well as the search results.

Holy cow. That must have been crazy!

I have a close personal contact that helped create that! Said he was sworn to secrecy about it!

Not an april fools thing - but always. go to and type in tilt then hit enter

scottgreenstone said:

Not an april fools thing - but always. go to and type in tilt then hit enter

I love that one. And in a similar vein, but nerdier: go to and search for recursion.

I get search results for recursion - what should I get?

Ha! I looked twice to try and find my spelling error...

scottgreenstone said:

I get search results for recursion - what should I get?

As @proleah hints, you should also get a "Did you mean...?" suggestion at the top of the page. Click that.

Ahhhhh - i totally missed that - now that is kind of nerdy

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