mumstheword said:
I was thinking of starting a new blog for the Midtown Direct -- wet umbrellas on the seats. Some a$$hat from Summit had his soaking wet umbrella on one of the few available seats on the 8:00am train this morning. He looked at me like I had some nerve when I pulled out my paper towels (yes, I now carry a baggie full of them for just this kind of situation) and wiped off the seat. Jerk!
j_r said:
Thread drift:
seaweed said:
Grrr, i started taking the train last month and I hate it when people put their dirty shoes on the seats.... and why I never sit in the seats that face eachother because it seems there's always at least one person who will sit there who cannot keep his feet where they belong--on the floor.
seaweed said:
Why can't these people sit up like a human and not a monkey...
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