Facebook disabled my account - resolved, but FB still sucks

They claim that I either have multiple accounts (I don't) or that I am using a fake name (I'm not).

I submitted ID like instructed. The only reply I've received is "Thanks for letting us know about this. We'll take a look at your request, submission or concern as soon as possible and send you a message once we have an update."

Google tells me that some people get their accounts back in less than 24 hours, others have to wait months.

On the plus side, my phone's battery life has vastly improved.

Yikes! That can't be fun. Too bad they can't seem to focus more on disabling fake news rather than real user accounts.

Is your name Vladimir Putin?

I do have 2 accounts. Started one years ago to communicate with some nephews. Did nothing with it for years and as

it turned out my friends on the other side are enamored of Facebook Started one with my casual first name. Would prefer

to drop the first one from existence but don't know how.

Author, to deactivate the FB page you don't want, click on the little black arrow at the top of the FB page on the far right, then click on "settings", scroll down on that menu, then click on "deactive account".

After several attempts.............including two which resulted in my cancelling my preferred account and cancelling, I

think the account of a cousin, I never liked him anyway, I lay prostrate at the feet of the great god Facebook

There was no setting for deactivate account. I have decided that since I have not contributed to that one in years,

anyone who stumbles upon it will realize it is moribund.

emmie............Thank You for your help. I was just born in the wrong century. Of course more than one MOL'ers

would say the same thing about me

Notice "deactivate" as opposed to "delete." Does a deactivated account ever disappear altogether or does it just get put on a digital shelf somewhere in Facebook Land?

I wonder if there's a general crackdown on fake accounts which is sweeping up a few legitimate accounts. Not very much help to spontaneous, I know.

Spontaneous how did you find out? Did they email you? And (I hate to ask) did the email include a link to click on to submit your ID?

I know you're not an Internet neophyte but I'm being a little paranoid on your behalf.

I was clicking on a story to read it when it popped up that I had to verify my ID. My first thought was "scam" so I took a screenshot to post on my page along the line of "you won't believe this crap." But I couldn't get back to my page, and that is when I started googling (still thinking it was a scam and possibly a virus) which led me back to FB, and that this bullsh*t is legit.

What kills me is that one of my friends has two accounts on purpose. No issue. Two separate people I know actually have accounts for their cats. The first one I thought was just wackerdoodle, but then when a second friend opened an account for her cat I was like is this really a thing now? Again, no issue. But here I am, ONE account under my real name and real DOB, and they flag me as fake.

On the one hand FB is kinda a time suck. On the other hand I have cousins in California and Hong Kong, so it is actually useful for keeping in touch. Plus there were some pictures I'd like to get back if possible since our camera was stolen a number of years back with the memory card still in it, and I stupidly never downloaded the pictures from FB to my computer, so for some older pictures what is on FB is all I've got. Lesson learned.

You won't believe how clean my kitchen and bathroom are now. And I also tossed a bunch of expired OTC meds. I might clean the fridge out tomorrow. oh oh

spontaneous said:

You won't believe how clean my kitchen and bathroom are now. And I also tossed a bunch of expired OTC meds. I might clean the fridge out tomorrow. oh oh

You have a new condition called "Face Book Free"............it is rare but I bet many people envy you

Regarding the "lost photos" Assuming they still exist somewhere in Facebook cyber space, can one of your Facebook friends with an active account still see them and somehow either email them to you (I never had much luck with copy/paste on Facebook but others are far more Facebook savvy than I am) or share them to their own status/timeline/ whatever it is called and preserve them that way?

No, my account is completely disabled, other people can't even look at my page.

Ugh! If anyone parent/sibling/close friend shared your photo(s), they still might show up on that person's status.

Remote possibility, a friend commenting on one or more of the photos might have resulted in the photo(s) being linked to their account as well as yours. Is that worth a try?

Might the photo(s) still be visible in a Facebook group you belong to if posted there? Perhaps a friend or the administrator of such a group could check that out for you.

Another possibility is if another Facebook user was tagged in one or more of the photos. That person may still be able to access the images even if you can no longer see them.

If not, would the photos reappear when your account is restored to you?

I'm back on FB. I guess I should feel lucky that it was only a few days. Google searches show the time to get an account reactivated can span from one day to MONTHS.

In addition to supplying my information like they asked, I also asked why my account was disabled. The response I received didn't say why, but did mention:

"You can take a few steps to make sure you don't lose access to your account again:-

Verify your account. Learn how to verify your account in the Help Center:

Upload a profile picture, and make sure to use your authentic name and date of birth-

Only send messages and friend requests to people you know personally-

Follow the Facebook Community Standards"

Hmmm... One other thing to note, I am currently restricted from joining or posting in any FB groups until December 23rd. I'm wondering if someone in one of the groups got their panties in a bunch over something.

Once I get the kids to bed tonight I'll sit down and download a sh*t ton of my older pictures.

Glad you regained access to them.

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