Excel ?

Is there some way to take a directory with tons of folders, and export the directory into Excel, so that each folder appears in column A, but in individual rows?

You can list the contents of this folder tree and direct the output to a file.  You can then view the file in a text editor or import into excel. You will need to use a text based terminal to do this. There are probably GUI utilities to do something like this but I do not know of any.

See for windows https://stackoverflow.com/ques...

And for mac https://stackoverflow.com/ques... 

In Windows 10 (not sure about older versions), you can open Explorer, navigate to the directory you want to export, select all (CTRL+A) and then click 'Copy path' in the ribbon menu.

Go to excel and paste.


I always use Ozgrid.com when I get need help with Excel VBA

I found this for you


or they have an add-in


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