OH, YEAH, BABY! I have been waiting for this moment for months. SO psyched.
Now, if only someone would get their ***** together and come out with a collection of knitting patterns for all the wonderful things Claire was wearing last season. I've seen a lot of patterns that try to tie into Outlander Fever, but none of them look quite like the knitwear that was on screen. Phooey.
So, how does Jamie get Claire out of that incredibly tight spot with Black Jack?????? No, don't tell me. I'll just watch.
Yes, I'm way too enthusiastic about this. I need something good about now.
This is the first time I'm seeing this thread and I'm so happy I'm not the only one who's happy that "droughtlander" is finally over! I saw it on Saturday afternoon. I loved that this episode is from Jaime's point of view. I read the books years ago and was so excited for the show. I think they're doing a great job!
Yes, I also loved that it was from Jaime's POV. I even enjoyed the whole episode where he thrashed Claire for her unthinking endangerment of the whole group of rebels. She has needed a real lesson on the realities of where she is for a long time now! Not that I liked seeing a woman beaten by her husband, but it helped settle a lot of issues between them and won't happen again. They are coming to know each other in a big hurry.
I just started reading the first book last night. My husband gave me the entire series for my birthday, and I think this is going to keep me busy for awhile! (Or course, now I also need to read "Wolf Hall"! https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/21.gif" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;"> )
I'm planning on re-reading the series as soon as things slow down a bit. We are selling mom's house and trying to decide where to move. This show is such a great escape!
I'm quite pleased with how they handled the spanking scene. I was afraid it would be too "50 Shades" but it was pretty true to the book. And you're right, Claire really needed a wake-up call on the reality of the times she's in now.
I loved when Jaime pledged his fealty to her. I also love to hate Leery. ;-)