Drawing a rack diagram with Visio

I'm trying to draw some rack diagrams in Visio.

I started out intending to do something simple - just boxes and labels. But then I noticed that Microsoft has a Rack Diagram template ("Design and document rack systems, using rack and equipment shapes that conform to industry standards"). So I downloaded the template, but it only has shapes for the rack itself and servers. I need shapes for the networking equipment and other stuff in the racks, or at least empty boxes that easily snap into the rack shape.

Then I went to the rack manufacturer's web site (Commscope). They also have a Visio template, but only for their own equipment. I don't see how to plug in the servers and other stuff.

I'm also tempted by the feature where you can record your equipment info as shape properties and then generate equipment lists, but I think my boss wouldn't want me spending a lot of time on that and I doubt it would be maintained in the future.

So my question is, what's the fastest/easiest way to create a rack diagram?

If you need something more than a picture, look at http://racktables.org/. We use their product to document our datacenters. It's free - you just need somewhere to run it.

Looks interesting, but this is a small shop -- a medical clinic with one location -- and I really just need a picture. Thanks, though. I can't believe how I'm struggling with Visio. It's been a few years and it seems more complicated than it used to be. Or maybe I'm just getting dumber.

Couldn't you do it in Excel?

You should check out lucidchart.com. It's an online software that is much easier to use than Visio. There's a free version that is very quick and easy if you don't need others to edit the documents. I'm using the software to create process maps with swim lanes so I not 100% sure if it includes rack images. I recommend taking a look, plus you can upload your Visio documents into a lucid chart.

Are you having a specific problem? Visio 2013 has a "Rack Mounted Equipment" template, which works well.

Maybe explain your problem and we can work around it.

What version of Visio? Even on Visio 2007, right in front of me, I have options for Server, RAID array, tape drive, router 1, router 2, bridge, patch panel, switch, power supply/ups, power strip, etc.

I can send you anything you might need. What model devices do you need? Also let me know if you are looking for front or back or both.

If you just need a picture I'd probably just use PowerPoint. All you should need is a few rectangles and some words. (I use Google Slides, but I won't assume that everyone else is as Googly as we are here.)

I subscribe to the train of thought that a lot of people waste a lot of time trying to make network/equipment diagrams needlessly 'pretty' and over-complicated.

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