bobk said:
Second the power washing idea. You can rent one at HD or Pioneer Rentals in Chatham. In addition to the health issues since it appears that the deck is face nailed or screwed to the structure trying to sand will result in a lot of torn sanding belts.
Red_Barchetta said:
Be careful if you go the pwash route. I've seen them lift and separate grain / fibers on the top boards which looks bad and makes for splinters in your feet.
locowolfy said:
Be advised, if the wood you are sanding is the old "Wolmanized" lumber type, the dust particles ARE considered to be a carcinogen. Proper air masks and containment should be used. High incidences of esophageal (?) cancers have been reported as per the CCA chemicals used to treat the lumber. also, good luck.
xavier67 said:
locowolfy said:
Be advised, if the wood you are sanding is the old "Wolmanized" lumber type, the dust particles ARE considered to be a carcinogen. Proper air masks and containment should be used. High incidences of esophageal (?) cancers have been reported as per the CCA chemicals used to treat the lumber. also, good luck.
To add to this, if the deck was installed by the previous owner, you should find out when it was built. If it was built 2003 or before, I wouldn't even sand it. 2003 was the last year in which outdoor wood was treated with CCA, which contains both chromium and arsenic. This practice was banned pretty much everywhere for lumber for residential use. Under no circumstances would I sand CCA-treated wood.
Also, if you need to re-fasten any decking made with ANY pressure-treated wood, be sure to use either stainless steel or hot-dipped double galvanized screws. Otherwise, the screws will corrode.
knowlton said:
Does anyone know why my stain is peeling? Not fading, but peeling. Was stain put on incorrectly?
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My current plan is to rent an appropriate sander at Home Depot to do the horizontal surfaces then power-sand (with orbital hand sander) the rest. Maybe get a guy or two from Scotland road to help. The restrain the whole deck. Any better solutions from anyone who's done this?