Different Optimum Online Question archived

I had the service installed last week. Unfortunately, I was literally in the process of moving and my TVs were not yet in the house. So, I still don't have cable (not wanting to make the attempt myself and potentially muck it up).

The real problem, however, is the phone installation. The phone now goes right into the modem, into the computer - i.e., it is not connected to the phone jack in the wall. Because of this set up, I can only have one working telephone in the house. I called, and someone is coming on Wednesday to take a look.

For those of you who have Optimum Voice, do your phones plug right into the phone jacks? Has anyone ever had a problem where the phone jacks couldn't be "activated" for Optimum Voice? If so, have you had to call an electrician?

In short, HUH??????

Well we had old wiring that didnt work with it. Your best bet is to get a base station (transmitter) type cordless phone. You should be able to find a set of like 5 phones at costco pretty cheap. I think all the ones we have are made by V-Tech

I don't have optimum online, but logically:

The RJ11 jack in the OptOnline modem provides 'regular' dial tone - we know this because the regular good old phone that plugs into it works.

If you were to take a male/male (don't yell at me, these aren't my terms) RJ11 phone cable and plug it into the OptOnline modem and one of your 'old' phone wall jacks, you have now connected your home wiring to the optonline phone service - all phones in the house should operate.

MAKE SURE that your Verizon line is disconnected in the basement, at the entrance of the phone line into the house. In fact, make sure twice. If you have Verizon and Optonline trying to use the internal phone wiring at the same time, there's a good chance of a terrible explosion - one that would spread to all the other homes in your area, via the Verizon cabling.

OK - that last part isn't true, but just do me a favor and make sure the Verizon line is detached before you do this, right? Also, if you were a DSL customer make sure those nifty little DSL filter thingies are no longer connected - it won't cause an explosion (see warning in previous paragraph, and disclaimer in previous sentence) but your phones won't work with those filters attached.

Update: Cablevision tech has been here for over an hour. Let's see if this works!!! I would like to get set up.

Dammit! Still can't get that darn On Demand to work in our room! Last night we wanted to be in the A/C and we only have it in our room and it wouldn't play. WHAT A PItA!!! I ended up going to sleep by 9:30, nothing was on!

Watch out. Having no TV can also lead to other pleasurable adult activities.

Another update.

The phones are plugged into the jacks and working fine.

Also hooked up one TV and am enjoying what seems to be a much clearer picture with no pixellation (a la DirecTV).

Next steps are to hook up my PC and wireless router, and then on Saturday, have the cable installed on another TV.

Haven't ordered On Demand yet; I feel it could be very dangerous. :smile:

Tom, there was nothing on the night before either.:wink:

On Demand is included with the Triple Play I think. We get HBO and HBO on Demand. (Plus all the free on demand offerings.) They don't have the greatest movies, and they repeat them often, but we don't pay extra for On Demand movies, we just use the HBO ones.

Hmm. I have Triple Play. When I scrolled onto the HBO and Disney Channel (critical in my house) On Demand channels, there was a message saying that On Demand was available to [HBO/Disney Channel] subscribers for $4.95/month.

Where are the free On Demand offerings? Is it possible to catch previously aired episodes of the HBO shows, for example?

The optimum free on demand offerings are pretty lame. I have had HBO on demand and liked it. I am trying to save a little money so I cancelled it. You can see previously aired HBO shows and assorted movies.

Yeah, we rewatch HBO shows, plus HBO has On Demand Movies (probably about 50 movies at any given time, maybe 5 you might want to watch). Last night we were going to watch Lil Miss Sunshine. Last weekend the girls and I watched the Devil Wears Prada.

The Free on Demand stuff includes mostly garbage I don't even look at, but they have fitness stuff...H and I have done kids yoga, and I've done kickboxing, etc.

But do you pay that $4.95 monthly fee?

I am wondering if it's worth it to get Disney on Demand. We'll probably have to watch High School Musical 2 100 times before the DVD comes out. :smile:

I honestly do not know if we pay the monthly fee. Because we have had trouble, I have asked them to credit me because I can't receive the service. I will check my acct. and let you know.

You have to use the on demand menu. I think the channels themselves change based on what you order

I played around with it. I am pretty sure I can't do anything without that additional fee.

Oh, and I should add that I had almost one day of normal phone service. Then all of a sudden the jacks went kaput, and the phones don't work in the jacks anymore. I had Cablevision on live chat while I was doing this, and they tested the line. Malfunctioning jacks! So now I have to make another appointment for a tech to come out here, and maybe miss another day of work. Grrrrrr.

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