Boney Crushed at Waterloo

What killed me is he couldn't cover the point spread.

What I want to know is, were the damn hessian mercinaries ever on the winning side?

Some things never change.

PeggyC said:

I don't have a clue either!?

Doesn't this belong in the political section? Some may harbor different viewpoints about the outcome.

I'm sure we can find a few rabid Bonapartists around here.

max_weisenfeld said:
What I want to know is, were the damn hessian mercinaries ever on the winning side?

... the ones that deserted and blended in with the German-speaking citizens of Pennsylvania - I would say they were winners. And the disappearance of mercenaries in this fashion was expensive for King George.

The heir to the Bonaparte titles is a banker in NYC

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