Big day, today. Free coffee, any size.

It's Wawa's 50th anniversary.

well THAT should give ya something to be cheerful about today! ;-)

But the closest wawa is in Elizabeth.

Yeah, fer cryin out loud. What are you going to do if the clerk says "Enjoy!" after you take your free coffee? Or is that why you like the idea ... you can go in, get coffee and leave without that troublesome human interaction?

There's a Wawa off 280 on the New Road exit in Parsippany.

There is one in Parsippany, just off Rt. 80.

Hopefully by next year's Free Wawa Coffee Day (if such a thing exists annually), we can all grab our free Wawa coffee up on Springfield Ave!" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

Cross referencing because I can:

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