STILL LOST. She was last seen in Short Hills on 7/19 by Hartshorn Drive and Falmouth.
How is this poor dog feeding herself? Such a sad story. I hope she is retrieved soon.
Betty is a resourceful dog, and she's a hound, a hunting breed. She's not well socialized, obviously, so she apparently feels more comfortable foraging in wooded areas than approaching people for help and food. She may be feeding on small game, carrion, garbage in dumpsters (she was spotted by a dumpster recently). Feeding stations have been set up by the tracker, but Betty is roaming around so widely that she hasn't found them. She did find some a couple of weeks ago, so she hasn't been without regular food in all this time. The more people spread the word and the more sightings come in from the public, the more accurately placed will the feeding stations be. Anyone who wants to volunteer to put up posters is welcome.
2010 Altima $4,800
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As mentioned in the earlier post, yesterday Betty was spotted in Millburn/Short Hills by the East Orange golf course.
The rescue group searching for Betty has now hired a professional tracker: New instructions: if spotted, do not call her, approach her, or chase her. Simply call the number on the poster below and report the sighting. Thank you!