best bird feeder ever -- squirrel and grackle proof !! archived

Brome 1024 Squirrel Buster Plus Wild Bird Feeder with Cardinal Perch Ring

i bought the above feeder (it was sorta expensive...about $65) but it works ! the grackles and squirrels are totally foiled when trying to feed !! if you are having a hard time with the nuisances while trying to feed the cardinals, goldfinches and other little song birds, this feeder is the cat's pajamas.
i have been watching a squirrel basically scratching his head trying to figure out how to get at the seeds and can't !!! instead, he's on the ground scrounging for whatever the little chickadees are dropping. HA HA !!!

It's a good feeder. However, beware any feeder that is tripped by weight. If a small bird has it's head in the feeding hole, and something large jumps on the feeder, the small bird's neck will be snapped, if not removed, from its body. I wouldn't have mentioned it if I hadn't seen it first hand. Kinda gross.

yeah, i was thinking about that. the female grackles weigh less than the males so i have the thing set to get them. when there are three tiny birds on there and another tries to get on, the perch ring drops. just now a cardinal was there by himself, one little bird joined him, then another and when another tried to get on the thing dropped and clocked the cardinal on the head. he jumped down to the ground and looked a little dazed.

It's a great feeder if you're trying to catch your own version of "squab". :shocked:

i feel badly now !!

i must have a lot of hungry birds...the thing is huge and they went through almost half of it since saturday morning !!

Posted By: DEFCON CreatorI wouldn't have mentioned it if I hadn't seen it first hand. Kinda gross.

Oh my dear lord, that's horrible! ::shudder:: Note to self: don't buy this feeder, you may be traumatized for life.

My birds can empty two feeders in a couple of hours... vultures!

This time of year the birds have HUGE appetites. You have to remember the little ones are feeding now as well, so the population has spiked for the time being.

yesterday, a baby bird flew from his nest and spent the afternoon on my front steps railing. i think he was afraid to go any further. i've never seen so much bird shlt !! he was gone this morning. i hope he made it to where he was going.

Posted By: Oldstoneyesterday, a baby bird flew from his nest and spent the afternoon on my front steps railing. i think he was afraid to go any further. i've never seen so much bird shlt !! he was gone this morning.

Perhaps he was scared sh*tless. :shocked:

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