Anyone else experiencing recent troubles with Internet Explorer 10 running on Windows 7 ?

For the last couple of days, IE has been acting very wonky for me. It hangs often and recently when I open a session I just get a completely black window. No issues are identified with my PC in general when I run SpeedyPC Pro and Chrome is working fine (I don't like the tab functionality in Chrome so I still use IE).... Wondering if anyone else has experienced the same.

Are you considering upgrading to Windows 10? I'm not saying it will be a cure all, but it's likely that a change in OS and browser (Edge vs IE) will make this moot.

I tried Windows 10 (free download) yesterday, and lost the use of my wireless card.

Despite trying to fix it, it wouldn't connect to my wifi.

I reverted back to Windows 7.

I guess I'll stick with Win 7 for now until you all work out the bugs in it! cheese

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