Another fight at woman's club

is this why maplewood township bought the woman's club. I thought it was for arts and culture events. 

It looked like most of those people were trying to break up a fight.  Hard to tell because whoever took the video was trying to hide behind a door or something.

You're right. They bought it so that people could have fistfights in the parking lot. 

justsaying said:

is this why maplewood township bought the woman's club. I thought it was for arts and culture events. 

Reminds me of my brother's wedding.

So there was some kind of an argument at a family gathering, only at the space they rented instead of someone's home.  Unfortunately, sometimes those things happen, but it looks like other family members were calming it down.

There wasn't any need to lurk, video, and post on YouTube.  And if you click, "View on YouTube", it shows the name of the person who did so.  Just sayin' ...

"Another fight" at the Woman's Club?  What other fights are you referring to?

it was no lurking the hiding behind a bush this was from my deck and I was having a Sunday barbecue and if you condone this type of behavior as oh it happens then you must live in a secluded area  with your head in the ground.  It's so easy to comment when you don't have to live with this type of situation every weekend   Loud noise and partying that goes onto way after midnight

I don't condone any of the bad behavior evidenced by the video.  Sorry that the bad behavior happened near your home.  I lived near a church hall for years, and every once in a while there would be a problem when people at an event held at the rental hall made a problem for the neighborhood. 

justsaying said:

it was no lurking the hiding behind a bush this was from my deck and I was having a Sunday barbecue and if you condone this type of behavior ...

if you had the under on 3 hours and "head in the ground" then you're a winner!

If you were truly concerned for the welfare of those involved, or that it may get out of control, then call the cops.  If not, then mind your own business.  We live in the burbs, not out in the country where you're miles from the next person.  Filming it and posting it online is just voyeurism.

who would have thought there would be events at an events venue?

South_Mountaineer........So you are calling this fistfight "some kind of argument" at a family gathering.   I've never heard that definition for a fistfight before.   What would you call it if it had erupted into a rumble ???   A family discussion?   And by the way, how do you know it's a "family gathering".   That's quite an assumption you are making.

I'm glad you agree that it was unfortunate.  I suspect it would be more unfortunate if it was happening feet from your back yard.  

I suggest that if anything like this happens again call the police the split second a disturbance happens.   Call the police every single time the noise or disturbance goes past  a time that it should.

South_Mountaineer said:

So there was some kind of an argument at a family gathering, only at the space they rented instead of someone's home.  Unfortunately, sometimes those things happen, but it looks like other family members were calming it down.

There wasn't any need to lurk, video, and post on YouTube.  And if you click, "View on YouTube", it shows the name of the person who did so.  Just sayin' ...

sarahzm said:
... And by the way, how do you know it's a "family gathering".   That's quite an assumption you are making. ...

Sunday afternoon, people of various ages, and a balloon tied to a railing at the entrance, so it seemed like a family gathering.  The loudest voice at the start is the person saying, "Stop, stop", among other voices.

I did go over, the police were called by the people at the event and I felt bad for the people having a family get together But you must understand this happens more frequently than it should and it's at town center and and is not surprized by the town. It's not in your backyard it's mine. 

boo-hoo...this kind of scene happens every weekend to residents who live near seton hall. if i post a video what will justsayin say?

sarahzm said:

South_Mountaineer........So you are calling this fistfight "some kind of argument" at a family gathering.   I've never heard that definition for a fistfight before.   What would you call it if it had erupted into a rumble ???   A family discussion?   And by the way, how do you know it's a "family gathering".   That's quite an assumption you are making.

I'm glad you agree that it was unfortunate.  I suspect it would be more unfortunate if it was happening feet from your back yard.  

I suggest that if anything like this happens again call the police the split second a disturbance happens.   Call the police every single time the noise or disturbance goes past  a time that it should.
South_Mountaineer said:

So there was some kind of an argument at a family gathering, only at the space they rented instead of someone's home.  Unfortunately, sometimes those things happen, but it looks like other family members were calming it down.

There wasn't any need to lurk, video, and post on YouTube.  And if you click, "View on YouTube", it shows the name of the person who did so.  Just sayin' ...

A rumble?  Are those the Sharks or the Jets?

The first rule of Fight at Woman's Club is no one posts videos of Fight at Woman's Club.

how often is this happening? "More often than it should" is pretty vague. 

ml1 said:

how often is this happening? "More often than it should" is pretty vague. 

How soon before this morphs into Clintonesque memes?

But, but...fights at the Woman's Club!

But, but, Clarus Building!

But, but Starbucks downtown!

Can we just change the name to The Woman's Fight Club?  At least we'd be managing expectations.

I strongly disagree. I think recording/posting stuff like this has the potential to make people think twice about engaging in inappropriate/antisocial/illegal, fighting in the street.

There's also the thing about recording police action as a deterrent to police brutality and other bad cop behavior.

Sure there are abuses but I think the ubiquity of mobile phones with camera technology represents a great advance in our society. It is hardly "just voyeurism". 

spontaneous said:

If you were truly concerned for the welfare of those involved, or that it may get out of control, then call the cops.  If not, then mind your own business.  We live in the burbs, not out in the country where you're miles from the next person.  Filming it and posting it online is just voyeurism.

Smedley said:

I strongly disagree. I think recording/posting stuff like this has the potential to shame people and have them think twice about engaging in inappropriate/antisocial/illegal, fighting in the street.

Shaming people is one of the worst ways to change behavior.

How to change bad behavior:

11 reasons never to shame anyone:

OK perhaps I didn't word properly.

Let's change

"I think recording/posting stuff like this has the potential to shame people and have them think twice about engaging in inappropriate/antisocial/illegal, fighting in the street."


"I think recording/posting stuff like this has the potential to make people think twice about engaging in inappropriate/antisocial/illegal, fighting in the street."

Do you disagree with the reworded statement?

Or... it may make people want to start something with the person who took the video and posted it. I've rarely met someone who didn't get defensive when they felt their pride was 'under attack'. 

Typically, it's more productive to make a connection with someone in order to suggest change, than it is to make someone feel threatened at a distance by a person unknown. 

The former is more motivating for positive change - people tend to want to impress someone they like. The latter is more likely to motivate revenge -- people tend want to take down unknown 'attackers' for whatever they've taken away.

Take video and show it to the people who manage the women's cub, ask them what will be done to prevent further instances of such behavior.

Take video and hold it in case it is needed by police for evidence in case charges are pressed and it is needed for evidence, or for proof of police brutality.

Take video and show it to our elected officials at town hall and ask what will be done to stop this since this is town property.

But taking video and then running to the web to publicly post it just feels wrong.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

A public street is just that, a public street. There should be no expectation of privacy. The best way to keep yourself off the web is by not acting like a jackass.

So, what changes would the OP suggest to prevent this from happening in the future?

GoSlugs said:

So, what changes would the OP suggest to prevent this from happening in the future?

Most venues I know of charge renters for security personnel, particularly if alcohol is being served. Number of security guards is based on the number of people at the event. They wear plain clothes. I've made two Bar Mitzvahs at rented venues. Both times (two different venues) we were required to pay for venue-provided security.

shoshannah said:

GoSlugs said:

So, what changes would the OP suggest to prevent this from happening in the future?

Most venues I know of charge renters for security personnel, particularly if alcohol is being served. Number of security guards is based on the number of people at the event. They wear plain clothes. I've made two Bar Mitzvahs at rented venues. Both times (two different venues) we were required to pay for venue-provided security.

Sounds like the way to go. Security could be unobtrusive but prevent a minor incident from escalating.

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