Amazon email address?

Anyone know the email address? I have to contact them and can't get through on their telephone number 866-216-1072.


Google is your friend -

But I found the "Contact Us' form to work very well.

I used the "Contact Us" link and am waiting for a call back. I tried to initiate a chat but no dice. I'll get through somehow.

Amazon video was down this morning, it's possible they are having other technical difficulties

If you go through the contact steps on the Amazon App, the last resort is "have us call you." You put in your number and they call you.

Maui said:
Amazon video was down this morning, it's possible they are having other technical difficulties

That's what I was wondering about. I tried to place an order (about 10 times) and am being told that my address, which I've been using for 10 year, s isn't correct.

RobB said:
If you go through the contact steps on the Amazon App, the last resort is "have us call you." You put in your number and they call you.

I asked them to call me, and I emailed them. I think that they're having technical problems. I called the 866 number several times, which connected me, but a recording said they were busy, and then I was disconnected. Plus, when I tried to initiate a chat, no dice.

I'll try later in the day.

Success! Was able to place the order.

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