All Things Running-Related

Hello! Runners out there, who is planning on a fall half marathon? Which one? How about those running a marathon?

I had been targeting May for my first half, but had to take 5 weeks off for an injury so I'm just getting back into it. I think I will probably target the Philly Half on November 17. It's my first one so I want it to be a really fun atmosphere, and also give myself time to train properly.

I (finally) had a 3-mile run yesterday that felt GOOD, which was a nice change. It's funny how a short period of time off can make you feel like you're totally starting over!! I'm actually doing a 10k on Saturday that I had signed up for months ago, so we'll see how that goes...

My plan is to use the next few months just to build up my weekly mileage, and start really training at the end of August. I had been using the Hal Higdon Novice 2 program and will follow that again.

Running Philly Marathon in November. I will probably try a half in Sept or Oct as a warm-up.

Thanks for starting this thread! grin

Running the NYC Marathon in November. I usually run Grete's Half in early October as a warmup. Will probably run others too. Right now I'm in base training mode. Been maintaining 30-40 miles per week. Real training starts at the end of this month.

I ran the Philly Marathon last year. I really enjoyed it... a fun race. The Half course is the same as the Full, except you stop at the art museum instead of continuing to Manayunk via Kelly Drive.

@TarheelsInNj - glad your run felt good. Good luck on Saturday.

I got into both Marine Corps and NYC so I need to decide which one. Any thoughts?

Ooh, I've heard excellent things about the Marine Corps Marathon. I vote for DC! Have you run NYC before?

I have run NYC twice...there's nothing like it, right? I am very happy that I will be able to defer one and be set for next year.

Yes, NYC is awesome. This is my third time. I'm especially excited for this year!

The New York Marathon "experience" can't be beat.
I'm glad to have run it several times, but the cost is a bit crazy now.

True. The cost is about triple everywhere else. But since it's so unique and special, I think it's worth it. At least every once and a while.

33,000 people applied for 4500 is it possible that I got in to NYC?

Philly is my favorite course. Ran my marathon PR there. Flat and Fast plus the weather is usually perfect for running except for the start being a tad cold. On top of that, it is pretty close for all of us. My fall schedule is taking shape and it looks like the Liberty Half, Hartford Full, and Bucks County Full.

Thought I saw a headline that NYC is going up to 48K for the field this year. That is a ton of people. Wonder if they will go to an extra wave.

NYC added a 4th wave for 2012. I believe the start times were 9:40, 10:10, 10:30, and 10:50. But obviously it never happened!

That's the one thing I do NOT like about NYC... the waiting, waiting, waiting. I wish it started earlier.

In past I have told others that if you want to run a fast marathon pick Philly, but if you don't care about time and want the full experience then run NYC.

10k this morning was AWESOME!!! It was the Oakley Women's Mini 10k. Beautiful day, beautiful course- loop around Central Park. I cannot believe it, but I ran the whole thing!! I haven't run more than 3 miles in 2 months so I figured I would just do what I could but had low expectations. It felt great to push through and now I'm really pumped about starting HM training!!

Nice job @tarheelsinnj - I ran it too. Thank goodness the rain was done by start time.

hauscat said:

Nice job @tarheelsinnj - I ran it too. Thank goodness the rain was done by start time.

Awesome!! Yes I agree, the weather was just great at race time. I really liked the course too. I got to run past my old apartment on 110th which was a nice lift there in the middle!

I'm running the Harrisburg half in early sept for the third time. Great course, mostly flat.

I need to find one or two half marathons in sept ...will check that one out if it is not too late.

How do you all manage to get into the NYC marathon? I've tried twice. So depressing to see that I'm not accepted each time.

Anyway, I am doing the Disneyland Dumbo Challenge on Labor Day weekend (10K and Half) and the Disney World Dopey Challenge in January - 5K, 10K, Half and then Full marathon. After that I will be all Disneyed out and am considering a 70.3 Ironman for 2014.

@ceidefields - I have absolutely no clue! In the past I have not gotten in. Several years ago I ran it for a charity in order to get a slot. Marine Corps was very hard to get into this year but I got in and then for the heck of it I entered the NYC lottery. I take it as a sign that I am supposed to run a marathon this Fall.

@ceidefields and @hauscat - re: entry in NYC, I posted the following in another recent thread:

... there's still time to participate in the 9+1 program. If you run 9 NYRR races this year and volunteer once, then you get guaranteed entry! Here's info:

There's plenty of races left this year to get you entry, most between 4-6 miles long. The races are on Saturday or Sunday mornings. It's fun and good training. I participate in the 9+1 program and got into the 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 marathons. No lottery for me!


Just to add to Composerjohn's post - normally you would have to have been an NYRRC member by last January but they extended the cut off until the end of the year.

hans said:

Just to add to Composerjohn's post - normally you would have to have been an NYRRC member by last January but they extended the cut off until the end of the year.

Yes. So in other words, you can join anytime this year and participate in the 9+1 program. It's simple: run 9 races in 2013 and volunteer once (it's easy) and you're in!

Haha, yes. 9+1 in 2013 and run the marathon in 2014. grin

@composerjohn - thank you so much for this info! Very helpful and I can then plan my races for 2014.

Edited to add: re the starting waves - the Disney marathons are like this also, except you arrive in the park at 2:30/3:00am and then wait for 2.5-3 hours. They do have a party going on and the various run clubs have meets, photo opportunities etc., but still a VERY long time to wait. I actually find that the hardest part tbh.

Anyone running the Philly Rock & Roll Half Marathon in September? I'd love to meet some local folks that are running it and perhaps do some long weekend runs - 8miles +

I'm entered for the marathon.

If you want to do some long Saturday run, I'd love the company. I normally start around 6:30am - 7am depending on how hot it is and try to run 8 - 10 miles.

I agree about the waiting at the start of Disney and at NYC. At Disney I did the Goofy - the half on Saturday and the full on Sunday. For the full, I paid extra to be able to wait inside a VIP tent with mats and stretching area and chairs and port-a-potties just for us. It was nice. However, the walk to the start is fairly long. Especially if it is cold - as it often is at that hour.

I'm running the Clarence DeMar marathon in New Hampshire in September. I'm on the hunt for all 50 states.

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