Air Traffic Controllers are on Strike in France - any experience with similar?

We have tickets to France in 10 days. Any idea how long these things take?
(I do not dare ask my French SIL, she too is on strike for the National Public Radio there!)

I am also curious as to what the airlines' obligations might be as far as refunds and reschedules...

I book a lot of business travel, especially to France, and have never had a transatlantic itinerary disrupted due to their many labor actions. Seems they try very hard to keep those flights operating. The AF website offers to rebook for no fee if you have reservations on affected dates (not always convenient, of course), but I think the current ATC strike is scheduled to end day after tomorrow.

@mim, Thank you! I now have calm" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">

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