Advice needed - no masks worn in local restaurant

I don't know if I should report this and if so, to whom do I report it?

This morning I realized that I could no longer ignore my paranoia about having less than half a tank of gas and went out.

On my way home I thought I'd order breakfast from the Parkwood, based on the description of the no contact transaction in another thread.  I parked on the street and started to call in my order.

Before I called, I saw a woman exiting wearing a mask, then a man in an EMT uniform exiting NOT wearing a mask (he got into his personal truck so I don't know where he worked).

Next I saw a Maplewood police office leave, also not wearing a mask. 

Needless to say, I found this disturbing.  But thought, it might be difficult for a business owner to tell first responders to put on a mask.  

So, being the person I am, I wanted to take a look inside before making my order.

I looked in - no one was wearing a mask.   There was a couple sitting at the counter, as though it was business as usual.  Another guy was picking up an order.  At least the woman handing him the order was wearing gloves.

Not surprisingly, I didn't call in an order.

What, if anything, should I do?

Gosh - I almost wish I didn't know this.  We have ordered from them twice in the past 2 weeks - hubby wearing mask did pickup.   So far so good - knock wood - maybe reconsider before next time?

The governor issued a new order yesterday requiring all customers wear masks in grocery stores grocery stores. I don't know if this applies to restaurants doing take out orders.  You could call the Maplewood Health Department for the latest policy on this. Nobody will get in trouble if you frame this as a general question. If your's is a specific concern regarding the policy in a particular restaurant, share your concerns with the business owner or manager.

Regarding your question about reporting this: Murphy’s executive order requiring masks doesn’t take effect until 8 p.m. tomorrow.

I don't think that the new executive order applies to take out restaurants as it seems to apply only to essential businesses listed in EO 107.  Restaurants are not designated as essential businesses in EO 107 but are identified separately as limited to take out/delivery.  I haven't looked at this fully, though.  That said, we're not getting food from any restaurant that does not offer contactless payment and, at a minimum, curbside delivery.

If you're interested in all the details of Governor Murphy's latest executive order, here's the link:

Definitely hit or miss on masks these days. I've been wearing for about a week now.Yesterday at wine emporium on valley at in so, multiple customers weren't wearing masks, nor was the guy behind the register. Today at stop & shop there was an intercom announcement that masks are required , and there was one employee going around pretty sternly reminding people of this (good for him). All the employees were wearing, but id say about 1/4 of customers weren't -- when chided, mostly I saw people pull the top of their shirt or jacket over their face rather than leave the store. 

hopefully this lax attitude changes when the EO goes into effect. Right now I think it's pretty damn rude and or clueless to not have your mouth and nose covered while indoors in a public place.

Smedley said:

Definitely hit or miss on masks these days. I've been wearing for about a week now.Yesterday at wine emporium on valley at in so, multiple customers weren't wearing masks, nor was the guy behind the register. Today at stop & shop there was an intercom announcement that masks are required , and there was one employee going around pretty sternly reminding people of this (good for him). All the employees were wearing, but id say about 1/4 of customers weren't -- when chided, mostly I saw people pull the top of their shirt or jacket over their face rather than leave the store. 

hopefully this lax attitude changes when the EO goes into effect. Right now I think it's pretty damn rude and or clueless to not have your mouth and nose covered while indoors in a public place.

 Is everyone wearing cloth masks? If wearing medical masks, hhow are you getting them?

I was at Walmart today, they were refusing entry to people not wearing masks.  That said, what counted as a mask was almost laughable.  One guy had a t-shirt tied around his face and they let him in.  Not a mask made out of a t-shirt, it looked like the guy literally grabbed a t-shirt out of the closet and tied it around his head.  Also, once inside about one out of three customers had their masks pulled down to expose their nose.  A few employees also.  That is not how these masks work

There were a surprising number of customers and workers in the Millburn Shop Rite today not wearing masks...

spontaneous said:

I was at Walmart today, they were refusing entry to people not wearing masks.  That said, what counted as a mask was almost laughable.  One guy had a t-shirt tied around his face and they let him in.  Not a mask made out of a t-shirt, it looked like the guy literally grabbed a t-shirt out of the closet and tied it around his head.  Also, once inside about one out of three customers had their masks pulled down to expose their nose.  A few employees also.  That is not how these masks work

 I have no issue with people improvising. My mask is homemade. I think a tshirt can be just as effective in catching the droplets/spittle that spread this thing as my hastily made cloth mask is. Neither are medical grade of course but both are a lot better than nothing.

Plus I think wearing a mask , any mask, shows you ‘get it’, at least to a certain extent. You’re cognizant and on board with what we’re all supposed to be doing. Not bothering to wear any kind of mask in a public indoor space sends another message. 

Customers are being required to wear a mask to reduce the likelihood of their infecting others, not to protect the wearer.  Concern is the number of asymptomatic persons who test positive for the virus and can infect others even though they are not sick themselves.

Harriet said:

I don't know if I should report this and if so, to whom do I report it?

This morning I realized that I could no longer ignore my paranoia about having less than half a tank of gas and went out.

On my way home I thought I'd order breakfast from the Parkwood, based on the description of the no contact transaction in another thread.  I parked on the street and started to call in my order.

Before I called, I saw a woman exiting wearing a mask, then a man in an EMT uniform exiting NOT wearing a mask (he got into his personal truck so I don't know where he worked).

Next I saw a Maplewood police office leave, also not wearing a mask. 

Needless to say, I found this disturbing.  But thought, it might be difficult for a business owner to tell first responders to put on a mask.  

So, being the person I am, I wanted to take a look inside before making my order.

I looked in - no one was wearing a mask.   There was a couple sitting at the counter, as though it was business as usual.  Another guy was picking up an order.  At least the woman handing him the order was wearing gloves.

Not surprisingly, I didn't call in an order.

What, if anything, should I do?

 You should have spoken to Pete. His wife or the person handing the food to the customers. Pete is very accommodating. Now it’s mandatory, so I would give it another try.

How do you wear a mask at a resturant?   You have to eat with your mouth.  Were these just people waiting for orders?  I thought resturants were closed except for takeout. 

spontaneous said:

I was at Walmart today, they were refusing entry to people not wearing masks.  That said, what counted as a mask was almost laughable.  One guy had a t-shirt tied around his face and they let him in.  Not a mask made out of a t-shirt, it looked like the guy literally grabbed a t-shirt out of the closet and tied it around his head.  Also, once inside about one out of three customers had their masks pulled down to expose their nose.  A few employees also.  That is not how these masks work

 which walmart?  Union.  I tried to go yesterday, the line was to home depot.  I am disabled and just can't stand in a long line...and don't have the time with my health issues.  I'm afraid to ask for any consideration...people get nasty and I am afraid I will get myself killed if I ask to be able to cut the line as a disability accommodation.

I tried a store with a short line (5 minutes) but it was in the sun, I can't be in the sun (triggers migraines).  I tried shielding my face, but it hurts too much to hold my arms up.

nan said:

How do you wear a mask at a resturant?   You have to eat with your mouth.  Were these just people waiting for orders?  I thought resturants were closed except for takeout. 

 you're not eating there, its pick up only.

Flemington.  There was no line to get in, but I don’t know how common that is, they had portable fences set up to handle entry lines 

Essex County has 6,000+ cases and 321 deaths and some wear masks.

Hong Kong has 986 cases and 4 deaths and everyone wears masks. 

Population of Essex County: 800,000

Population of Hong Kong: 7.3 million

Restaurants are open in Hong Kong, but tables need to be far apart.

Stay away from idiots not wearing masks and places with idiots not wearing masks.

dave said:

Essex County has 6,000+ cases and 321 deaths and some wear masks.

Hong Kong has 986 cases and 4 deaths and everyone wears masks. 

Population of Essex County: 800,000

Population of Hong Kong: 7.3 million

Restaurants are open in Hong Kong, but tables need to be far apart.

Stay away from idiots not wearing masks and places with idiots not wearing masks.

 when this is all over, someone needs to be held accountable for lying to us about masks.

jmitw said:

 which walmart?  Union.  I tried to go yesterday, the line was to home depot.  I am disabled and just can't stand in a long line...and don't have the time with my health issues.  I'm afraid to ask for any consideration...people get nasty and I am afraid I will get myself killed if I ask to be able to cut the line as a disability accommodation.

I tried a store with a short line (5 minutes) but it was in the sun, I can't be in the sun (triggers migraines).  I tried shielding my face, but it hurts too much to hold my arms up.

Is this something a volunteer could pick up for you so you don't have to go yourself?  

cubby said:

 Is everyone wearing cloth masks? If wearing medical masks, hhow are you getting them?

 I want to boost this question, if I may. Where are these masks coming from? If I can’t enter a store without a mask, where else do I buy a mask?

Most people I know have made their own.

If you have a bandana or can cut up an old sheet/pillowcase, you can make one

I haven't done this but I'm guessing that it would be easier and more effective to make one out of stretchy sweatshirt material, or the sweatshirt itself, rather than inflexible materials.  There are videos on online demonstrating.

I made mine out of an old scarf and two hair elastics.  No sewing involved.  I can even change scarves to match my outfit or my mood. 

Cloth masks are less effective than surgical masks. Surgical masks are made of a special filter combed plastic. The average surgical mask reduces COVID-19 intake by six fold.

For cloth masks add a coffee filter between the layers. Use scotch tape to hold it in place at the top. Between use remove the filter and wash the cloth.

ridski said: 

 I want to boost this question, if I may. Where are these masks coming from? If I can’t enter a store without a mask, where else do I buy a mask?

Similar to Joan, I cut a bandanna-size square out of a T-shirt. I fold it in half, then approximately into thirds, and wrap a rubber band around each end, leaving them about 6 or 7 inches apart. Fold in the ends over the bands, then wrap the rubber bands around my ears. 

Not ideal, but ideal isn’t anywhere close to my standard here.

Are disposable painter’s masks okay? Asking for a friend.

From what I’m reading, no. You’re better off makeshifting a cotton scarf or bandanna or sacrificing a T-shirt.

DaveSchmidt said:

From what I’m reading, no. You’re better off makeshifting a cotton scarf or bandanna or sacrificing a T-shirt.

 Thanks. Just trying to figure out the new rules.

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