Looking for some free advice here. Just switched companies and have a 401K rollover account sitting to invest. Interested in ETFs for the longer term or lower cost mutual funds. Don't need the money for at least 10 years.
Set up a self directed IRA at a brokerage firm and invest in what you want.
One River School of Art... Gift Certificates for SALE $185 More info
Restoration Hardware Dark Wood Console Table $95 More info
2010 Altima $4,800 More info
Canon Pixma 922 Printer-Scan/fax/Copy (Blk/Color) Also selling Samsung Printer M2020W for $55 $50 More info
Antique Mahogany Secretary Desk for Sale $100 More info
Free lawn mower $0 More info
Looking for some free advice here. Just switched companies and have a 401K rollover account sitting to invest. Interested in ETFs for the longer term or lower cost mutual funds. Don't need the money for at least 10 years.