"Lawn Girl" yard service missing in action - anyone see them this week? THEY'RE BACK: all good!

Lawn Girl never showed up this week to cut the grass. They also skipped at least one other client's house. One of LG's phone lines has been disconnected; message left at second phone has not been returned; email has not been returned. We loved the work they did -- anybody else in the same boat, or know what's going on? Thanks!

Unfortunately, I had a similar experience last year. Though I did not have a weekly service, they were supposed to come and do some re-seeding, then never showed... a few weeks later, they did show up, did half the work, came back a week after promised and did finally finish. The areas that they re-seeded last year are the best in my whole backgarden. The grass is lush and weedless. They did a great job, but it seems overall they may not be super organized, or perhaps taking on more than they can manage as is. She did eventually get back to me and do the work, so I think that will probably happen in your case as well (will show up/ get in contact, just later than you planned). I hope that they can pull it together and become more reliable, as the results are very good!

They emailed us this afternoon -- they're on vacation this week and will resume their regular weekly service on Monday! (How do I edit the thread title?)

beppolina said:
They emailed us this afternoon -- they're on vacation this week and will resume their regular weekly service on Monday! (How do I edit the thread title?)

In the listing of discussions (not within the thread) you should see an "edit" link below the entry. That's where you can change the title. (It's a fairly recent update on this new platform.)

ETA - But it appears that there is a particular listing, not the "all discussions" and now I'm not finding it. I know there's a way to do it. Described somewhere in the "Official New Forum" thread.

Yeah... when she rolled up in a $60,000 vehicle it kind of turned me off to Lawn Girl.

case said:
Yeah... when she rolled up in a $60,000 vehicle it kind of turned me off to Lawn Girl.


@case We've been really happy with Lawn Girl. I do wish they would've let us know that they wouldn't be here this week -- but other than that communication snafu they've been doing a great job. Not my business what she drives, as long as her workers are treated fairly and her customers are happy with the service. [ETA: and even then, not my business what she drives.]

@sac figured it out -- thanks!

beppolina said:
@sac figured it out -- thanks!

Where did you find the listing with the edit links? ('cause I still can't find it ...)

It is on the all discussions page but the edit link only appears to the person who started the thread.

joan_crystal said:
It is on the all discussions page but the edit link only appears to the person who started the thread.

Ah ... that makes sense. But why isn't it on the "My Discussions" page ... that would make even more sense, wouldn't it?

I was going to contact Lawn Girl to get an estimate for trying to resuscitate our backyard and can not find a way to reach her. Website states that the account was suspended and the number on business finder is no longer in service. Does anyone have a working number for Lawn Girl or perhaps a recommendation for a company that is primarily focused on grass/lawn issues?

Ironically, she was on our street today (Courter Avenue). Her Hummer was parked out front when I left the house around 10 this morning ...

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